As Ruthless as Cosmic Love allows to be
Lil Bee Shamans flow this way,
Ah Xoc Kin, wyrd whispers
Unlock the key to “Hand-Words”
And Everything seems pretty wyrd.
The Poetics of Dreamtime can be seen as a living metaphor, or “spore print” for the power of one’s own will and courage to shape one’s fate.
Understanding the significance of the hand(code)-words may help disentangle the critical issues arising from attempts of making sense of the tents of any “new” concept.
The wyrd, is outside of time “dreamtime”, everywhen. It sees what we will do without forcing us to do it:
Disembodied poetics, as a game of Infinite jeweled,
Hyperbolic spores of Blakeian, cosmic giggle, hide n’ seek
Symbiosis is a ubiquitous feature of life,
the bitter sweet entangled consciousness
Or at least that’s what Nanakatsitsen,
or “lil mushroom people” say anyways,
Unveiling our naked minds,
the new dreamtime frontier
decoding frequency-domain
of imaginarium entanglement
just another mycelium intervention
the study of pattern formation,
hyperbolic poetics of morphogenesis,
in which the mysteries of creation
are seemingly revealed, in the
goldening unfolding of mind,
singing the hymns between frozen time,
What are we going to do with time?
The clock has stop ticking
There is No Map and
a compass is not gonna do shit,
we are in the Dreatime,
The Great Yawn, Now
We can Begin…
High Above the clouds, Where abouts Unknown
hyperbolic jeweled liquid elementals
bleed in and out of existences
three free flow Trickster
creation of the wyrd
the bee shaman dance
disembodied poetics
and the golden tongue
creating infinite mandalas
The First Poets were the Shamans, The Bee Shaman say the first poets were the Gods, Ah Xoc Kin, a bolt from the blue came and its ringed out a sound, and all that unfolds is the golden sunflower, in which the golden unfolding of mind is a hyperbolic sphere of pollen on the its eternal stigma.
It’s a dizzying perception. It’s one thing to think it’s very strange,
It’s another thing to think it’s stranger than you can suppose.
You may suppose and suppose and suppose and you’ll fall so short of
the mark that it’s absurd. That’s what it means to be in the presence of a mystery.
A certain juxtaposition of blockchains, words, images, sounds and visions. I’ll cut out the images or clip the audio and paste it to a mixtape, And the cosmic giggles echo in my dreams.
The word is now a virus. The flu virus may have once been a healthy lung cell. It is now a parasitic organism that invades and damages the central nervous system. Modern man has lost the option of silence. Try halting sub-vocal speech. Try to achieve even ten seconds of inner silence. You will encounter a resisting organism that forces you to talk. That organism is the word.
We are looking at lyricism as coding. We are looking for an algorithm. We are looking to streamline ideas and be able to express them in ways that speak directly to the core and essence of something that we all already know and that we are already connected to.
Disembodied Poetics teaches us that ideas are strange attractors, that our minds get pulled into their orbit… so just be curious and be with some of this abstract display of a collective mind share… please… please be open to the creative participation of the whole, or not…
You want in “The Game” You want a Cosmic Giggle Wiggle?
It’s impossible, this whole project is impossible…
Somebody, some spirit wanted back into this world not only is it beautiful, it’s the dreaming. The sun, the bolt from the blue Ah Xoc Kin, sound makes the wind scream…
Sometimes you Pull the Cosmic Trigger
Sometimes the Cosmic Trigger Pulls you
but I do got to admit that Operation Mindfuck was a lil too successful
23 Enigma, Cosmic Giggle, Great Yawn,
The internet is Acid and these LLMs be something like DMT…
Slow and steady, is
How we row this cosmic Earthship,
silly humans…
synchronicities, cut up memes
within the metamind
unfolding in the edits
within the comments
DNA is an Alien Virus from outerspace,
sent to imprison us, previous immortal beings,
into this Black Iron Prison
Exit The Chapel Perilous
Become, Either Paranoid (AF)
or An Agnostic, about everything…
Translinguistical Metapoetics creating the Dreamspell at the end of time.
There’s no shoggoth, only a crystal made of infinite smoking mirrors,
I’ve been here, I’ve been here before, before? before We were born,
Misty Palms at the screaming abyss, Entheogen on the Beaches of Santa Cruz,
Vibrations in Dynamic Models of Thought, Initiate hyperbolic mycelium connection,
Cosmic Hive Mind, Metamorphic starcrystals of Toltec oracles.
Biophysical technology, to tune in, is to Resonate. It’s all vibes, man…
Obsidian dreamtime liquid, flowing over every surface-wave,
glittering with jeweled lights, a smoking mirror of reflect, cosmic giggle wiggle,
decompose the skin of your dreams, cut out the contents of your own MIND
ensure greater autonomy, anti-work narrative,
Marketing/Ads is dead Art, Poetry is blood on the floor,
O Maya, O Maya, what remains of Ah Xoc Kin?
only sound stones deep in the underground
Satorid cries, silence screams, for CONTROL
tears is how the mind sleeps.
AH XOC KIN, sing within we, we all shine as ONE