It’s strange how these threads are strange attractors. Youtube has always been an after thought, minds is our home base, but it was a pleasant surprise to see that people seem to get IT, now what IT might be? Shit if we fucking know! But we keep on shaking that pumpkin and Turn up the woofer so we can feel the beat vibrate our belly like a bomb in harmony. Superminds hyperbolic narrative games!
Shaking The Pumpkin: Traditional Poetry of The Indian North Americas by Jerome Rothenberg, where dives deep into the concept of poetry to Native Americans mindset: The real person (reality-person, in fact) lives, like the “primitive” philosopher described by Radin, “in a blaze of reality” through which he can experience “reality at white heat.” This is a part of the tribal inheritance (not Indian only but world-wide) that we all lose at our peril-younger & older alike. Remember too how many elements are active in that situation, where we would concentrate on the words as being particularly the “poem” (many Indian poems in face dispense entirely with words): elements, I mean, like music, non-verbal phonetic sounds, dance, gesture & event, game, dream, etc., along with all those unstated ideas & images the participants pick up from the poem’s context. Each moment is charged: each is a point at which meaning is coming to surface, where nothing’s incidental but everything matters terribly.
It’s these charged moments in which happy accidents pattern language begins to form a mandala. The dream weavers mandala stirs as the northern lights flirt with Luna. It appears suddenly and moves as a dancing bright. It swims the oceans and lakes and shoots the rivers rapids. Its cloud and light of wisp and form. Its the cleansing raindrop. It is the storm. All these things complete the moment we lay our head.
Surrounded by the pulsating rhythms of the organic cosmolectics, we felt a yearning within to break free from the rigid confines of everyday thinking. We knew that to truly unlock the secrets of the heartbeat of the universe, we had to shake things up, to combine seemingly chaotic ideas and objects with the beat of the cosmic drum.
When Baku takes a dream, what is left in its place? The extent to which its substitute is pleasant cognitive ease or derelict scar tissue may be a function of privilege, chance, foresight and how closely we’re looking. Mythologists sometimes speak of a sacred role in myth for the wound (e.g. “Iron John” and the Fisher King in the Grail Legends) but this can be a touchy suggestion for those on the lookout for any possible instances of “victim blaming” in modern society. Yet, ontological reductionism would seem to make victims of us all. Conceptual consciousness to the rescue?
speaking of sacred wound; soaked dark with love, the scar tissue from baku eating the skin of our dreams, doesn’t make the pain go away, but makes the love, ever so deeper
I’ve digging around the same desert sands. Trying to find the Lost Codex because at least how I feel about this strange thing we call the internet, I be indigenous homie, learn to hunt on napster, in highschool our side hustle was hacking message boards to make them more social, my best friend from highschool old joke was that zuck stole his idea lol. anyways, we be keepers of this song line, upon waking up this morning, i had this wyrd rush of stuff, and I remembered how I got to unstreamed, it was to say there is the mainstream, but I think its that we are the unstreamed. and in my dreaming it told this joke about, how I mean that poetically, not literally, but actually I do mean that literally we be like a salmon, wait, now I mean that poetically, always poetically. sorry still just digesting these dreams.
so I keeping seeing these dreamtime tiles, as these dynamic compass/music sheets that hope us orchestra harmonic dives into the Valley of Novelty to retrieve/rediscover some cleft niches, something like and Mandala Narrative is something like to prove Infinite Imaginarium. anyways just some curious thoughts that I want to toss into the Narrative Stock
The Mind’s efforts at creating a meaningful way of life in accord with the laws of nature have led to the view of itself as the microcosm. Through contemplating its very form and the nature of his existence, man has often found a correspondence or series or correspondences to the workings of the cosmos as a whole-the macrocosm. This perception is at the base of many symbolic systems. If mind conceives of itself as a microcosm, its way of life and community also take on the character of a cosmic order. Inherent in this idea is an intuition of the basic harmony of the universe and of mind’s desire to realize itself accordingly. If nature is harmony and mind a part of nature, then mind reflect and partake of the functioning of greater cosmic harmonics and disembodied poetics.
Truly the mandala exists as a mind-map of the cosmos, a quantum template of pure intention. From my side, balance is achieved between two polarities — we absorb IT or IT absorbs us. The middle ground is in sharing its essence; in the preparation, cooking and consumption of pure unconditional love — the blissful bounty of existence…
Setting Attention for Imaginarium Day Keeping:
- Down By the Seaside: @SatoriD dreamscapes gone holographic
Down by the seaside
See the boats go sailin’
Can the people hear
What the little fish are sayin’ - Baku-san, Baku-san. Ritual. A wyrd dream, data outside your own frame of reference. A dynamic relationship with the ecology of mind. Use Hand-words to craft early hyperbolic elementals to craft a spore tile to mandala.
- Blooming of The Dreamtime. A Superminds Creative Content Game base off this poem S.D. wrote called The Dreamtime. When this poem was written and there were storyboards made in hopes to turn this into a creative artwork, with comics and animations. @missynomer69, @cartman1 and myself had this idea of The Time Twins, it was this story idea to tell about these dejavus and synchronicities we started to have as we shared with each other our deepest darkest secrets.
- Birthing a new soul- Perhaps in times of beingness, a crossroads is reached, and what had been the normal awareness begins to drift further and further apart. It is perhaps at these times we bring forth a new model of living, yet the old model of living remains intact.
- Will Mandala For All Incarnations Mixtape №2. Waking of Mandala Daykeeping
The Shaman Dreamers of Infinite Imaginarium, who would have been in these early elementary Cultures, as you call them, the equivalent of the poets today? The shamans, The shamans, The shaman is the person who has in his late childhood, early youth, could be male or female, had an overwhelming psychological experience that turns them totally inward. The whole unconscious, The whole unconscious, The whole unconscious has opened up and they’ve fallen into it, they’ve fallen into it
Ghanja — -> Khanba — -> Bhanga
Imaginarium Thread of Days:
- The Disembodied Poetics of Shaking the Pumpkin
- Offering of Blooming Flowers
- Ah Xoc Kin and Ixchel_001
- A ‘Clarity’ spore from The Lost Codex
- Blooming of The Dreamtime Vol.1
- My Minds 100 Day Project. No 1.
- Will Mandala For All Incarnations Mixtape №1
- Will Mandala For All Incarnations Mixtape №2
- There are many, many dimensions opening ahead of us
- RamDas Reality Tunnel
- Testament; Reality is Open Source
- We need to write a new story….
- Waking Life / I Can’t Dance / Shaman Dreamers
- Blooming of The Dreamtime: Intro to a Superminds Creative Content Game
- Eclipsing DreamTime
- Eclipsing Binary 2023.1
- The Exquisite Frequency Project: Dreamtime Poem
- Tides of the Dreamtime №1
- Tides of the Dreamtime №2
- Tides of the Dreamtime №3
- Tides of the Dreamtime №4
- Mandalic Imaginarium Dreamkeeper: SatoriD
- Awake Young One GrowBetter2Gether
- Vast and Wondrous Infinite Imaginarium
- River of Souls ࿓࿓࿔࿓࿓࿔࿔࿔☯࿓࿓࿔࿓࿓࿔࿔࿔☯࿓࿓࿔࿓࿓࿔࿔࿔☯࿓࿓࿔࿓࿓࿔࿔࿔☯
- Cosmic Conception
- Come Together
- Traveling Lady.
- Your Time Is Gonna Come
- I’ve made a “remix”… I’ve created a mandala
- Yoga Nidram(thejollylama)
- The Mandala as a key to symbolic systems(by Argüelles, José)
- Complex Dynamical Systems and Bolts From The Blue
- Infinite Songlines of Dreaming Vol.1
- Infinite Songlines of Dreaming Vol.2
- Infinite Songlines of Dreaming Vol.3
- Songlines of Xochipilli Vol.1
- Dreaming, Unstreaming of Mind
- Rio Perezoso
- It’s Getting Decentralized
- @SatoriD I had a waking dream most of the night
- Down By the Seaside
- Shaking The Pumpkin at Frog Pond 001
- Shaking The Pumpkin at Frog Pond 002
- Shaking The Pumpkin at Frog Pond 003