We don’t make mistakes — we just have happy accidents. Mandala Narrative was a happy accident that bear fruit that is Shaking The Pumpkin at Frog Pond.
There is a great Preface to Shaking The Pumpkin: Traditional Poetry of The Indian North Americas by Jerome Rothenberg, where dives deep into the concept of poetry to Native Americans mindset: The real person (reality-person, in fact) lives, like the “primitive” philosopher described by Radin, “in a blaze of reality” through which he can experience “reality at white heat.” This is a part of the tribal inheritance (not Indian only but world-wide) that we all lose at our peril-younger & older alike. Remember too how many elements are active in that situation, where we would concentrate on the words as being particularly the “poem” (many Indian poems in face dispense entirely with words): elements, I mean, like music, non-verbal phonetic sounds, dance, gesture & event, game, dream, etc., along with all those unstated ideas & images the participants pick up from the poem’s context. Each moment is charged: each is a point at which meaning is coming to surface, where nothing’s incidental but everything matters terribly.
It’s these charged moments in which happy accidents pattern language begins to form a mandala. The dream weavers mandala stirs as the northern lights flirt with Luna. It appears suddenly and moves as a dancing bright. It swims the oceans and lakes and shoots the rivers rapids. Its cloud and light of wisp and form. Its the cleansing raindrop. It is the storm. All these things complete the moment we lay our head.
Surrounded by the pulsating rhythms of the organic cosmolectics, we felt a yearning within to break free from the rigid confines of everyday thinking. We knew that to truly unlock the secrets of the heartbeat of the universe, we had to shake things up, to combine seemingly chaotic ideas and objects with the beat of the cosmic drum.
As we dive deeper into Decoding the Nawales, learn Dream logic and become Imaginarium Keeper of Days. It’s the dreaming that’s real, a world beyond our sight. Where colors swirl and merge, in an endless vibrant light. A place of limitless possibilities, where rules don’t apply. And the impossible becomes, the simple truth in disguise.
It was then that we realized the true trick to sparking the charged engagement that we sought — to merge the seemingly disparate fields of knowledge and experience, to explore the novel relationships between randomness and synchronicity that lie at the heart of the universe.
Shaking the pumpkin around the frog pond. Turning the daykeeping into this hyperbolic rotary mapping of collective expressions of an open creative common graffiti wall. Creating your own narrative landscape. Explore the Code for Hyperrogue. Sound harvesting systems, creating reservoir of creative energy. When we talk with each other we are recharging ourselves.
In the river of yesterday, pay attention to the low frequency something is moving in there in the river, you can feel it shrooms, let’s you know it’s all alive! A living breathing thing, we are on its back and everything can change the concepcion of the roulette wheel of time. How primary language affects the way we see color. The power of language to unlock the dynamic signal of reality. We are all living inside our own models of perception, lil impacts of our relationship to time sends ripples of dynamic layers of perception branching off, mandala of narratives.
As we continued to shake the pumpkin, we felt ourself sinking deeper into each element, exploring its nuances and intricacies in a way that I never could have imagined. And as we did so, we began to see the world in a whole new light — one where wryd but tonally relevant insights and solutions were always just a step away.
For in the space of play and exploration that we had opened up, we had found the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe — the key to tapping into the infinite wellspring of creativity and knowledge that lies within us all. And so, with pumpkin in hand, we invite you to shake, to dance, and to explore the boundless horizons of the interconnected dreaming that lay all around us.
Setting Attention for Imaginarium Day Keeping:
- Concepción_Final_Master
- “DREAMEATER”: Baku could be described as a liminal psychopomp figure, having a knowable face that can help us relate to hidden states: perhaps more than bad dreams, to include meanings of words and archaic sensibilities that Modernity forgot.
- Baku-san, Baku-san. Ritual. A wyrd dream, data outside your own frame of reference. A dynamic relationship with the ecology of mind. Use Hand-words to craft early hyperbolic elementals to craft a spore tile to mandala.
- Join Mandala Narrative Research.
- The Exquisite Frequency Project
- “Flow with whatever may happen, and let your mind be free: Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate.”― Zhuangzi
- “Allen Ginsberg once said that culture was only ever the same six people, i.e., it only takes half a dozen people to create a social group with enough ingredients to produce the cross-pollination necessary for a new imagining of reality. One gets a sense of this reading Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg: The Letters (2010) where figures like Belson, Philip Lamantia, and Gerd Stern move in and out of the scene, sharing news, ideas, friends, lifestyles, and other connections (including jazz and drugs). Belson’s flat was one block north of the apartment where Allen Ginsberg wrote “Howl” and in fact it was Belson who gave Ginsberg the peyote that inspired that poem. In 1954 Belson and Ginsberg discussed making a film of William Burroughs’s then-unpublished Naked Lunch, and/or Kerouac’s Doctor Sax, or perhaps another film sympathetic to the Beat sensibility. Unfortunately, this was a project that would have to wait until January 1959 when Al Leslie and Robert Frank made their film Pull My Daisy.” -Raymond Foye — from his article on the visionary Jordan Belson
- KDJH- https://www.globalonenessproject.org/library/films/offering
Imaginarium Thread of Days:
- The Disembodied Poetics of Shaking the Pumpkin
- Offering of Blooming Flowers
- The Mandala Has Continually Appeared
- A ‘Clarity’ spore from The Lost Codex
- Blooming of The Dreamtime
- Testament; Reality is Open Source
- We need to write a new story….
- Blooming of The Dreamtime: Intro to a Superminds Creative Content Game
- Eclipsing DreamTime
- Mandalic Imaginarium Dreamkeeper: SatoriD
- Vast and Wondrous Infinite Imaginarium
- Cosmic Conception
- I’ve made a “remix”… I’ve created a mandala
- Yoga Nidram(thejollylama)
- Shaking The Pumpkin at Frog Pond 001