Collective Poetic Expression #3

2 min readMay 31, 2019


[Rose] No holds barred poetic expression, improv session, make a lasting impression
Who’s ready to go, tonight we’re gonna flow
This is that stream of consciousness, fire, light it all aglow
Poetic fight club
Come on now
What do you know?
We’re making something epic, life is our art, and we are the creators

[Satori] epic doesn’t even begin to explain it
are you ready to let everything go?
they say there is no sleep for the wicked?
but it seems to me only the wicked
can rest their head in a bed
while the angelheaded hipster
wonder the streets, looking for an angry fix

everyone one is worried about clicks
selfies of hot chicks, dodging dick pics
what a hollow existence we all picked
but as I render this last video
I can’t help but see what other possibilities
are out there for those who dare
to care and stare into the abyss
and feel the beauty of death and rebirth

Another step
I’m so close to the end
Just keep

Another moment
The pain still lingers
The ache remains

I’m so damn moody
Trying to hold onto my thoughts
Bite my tongue
Fighting battles I’ve already won
Within myself

The virus ravaging my cells
Past parallels I thought as a society we had overcome this stigmatization of disease
Instead we’ve diminished the urgency
Of the mystery which is killing me
And the curiosity which doesn’t exist
To wonder, what is this
As it spreads rampant without a test
To identify the rest Of those who carry the mark
Only half will know the name
The others call it another of the same syndrome
Like a palindrome how it destroys my sense of well being backwards and forwards
Forwards and back
And the odds are stacked
In the favor of none
In the end, we’re all done

Fuck, there’s no hope left to live for
Another kiss

One more breath
Hold me now, I’m six feet from the edge
And I’m slipping

Feet dangling over the abyss
Death, and rebirth, and ego death again
Until there is no self left
And all I have is pain
Pleasure On, off
And you, me, us
Becomes …
ash Under the lava flow
The volcano aglow
Plunging it all into darkness
We are the lighthouses

When we care for eachother, we take care of eachother
And I care for you
Truly, I do

Note: This is a collective poetic expression that was written for The Minds Poetry Group Open Mic by Frosted Rose and Myself. It’s a series of collective poetic expressions that we are constantly working on.




Written by SatoriD

Reality is Open Source, Find the Others, Those Weird Fun Mutant People and Create the Weird.

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