Chaos & Creations of the Wyrd Collection:
Two thoughts that have been plaguing my mind lately, and in a chaotic way related(maybe): #1 Chaos, Collapse, Creativity and Lady Transformation!, #2 William Burroughs’ ‘cut-up the past and the future will leak out’ the art of literally cutting up text and images in random fashion and then reassembling them to form new, unexpected patterns. By doing so, one could destabilize language, perception, and reality and get closer to the truth.
Wyrd Collection is my collection of dreamtime collages, they contain Burroughs inspired cut-ups, remix and bootleg surrealism; the editing is experimental & shamanic; the setting most times psychedelic and exquisite; and the narrative involves poetic identity dissolution, mirrors, quotes, labyrinths of infinite reflection and the dreamtime.
States of Unbaffled Suspiciousness
Further problems of “Reality” and “Normalcy”
Can’t seem to get a hold of either of them.
Nobody has seen a fuckin “normal” person
Nobody has ever experienced a fuckin “normal” day
The Committee for Surrealist Investigation of Claims of The Wryd.
Calling All Cut Ups
Calling all reactive agents
we’ve come to free the words
The beginning is also the end
To and for all our collaborators
at all times third minds everywhere.
Midas transformed the gold/ never an enemy to the zeitgeist/ that when he became king/ for all the symbol would wobble, retract/ instead of giving in/ like blood to the throne, cup, body and bed/ God made in him shining/ filament, brightened brim, fearing crisis. -Mac Vogt
The Future Is Up For Grabs
A change in language can transform
our appreciation of the cosmos
The Future is Up For Grabs
It belongs to any and all who will take the risk
and accept the responsibility of consciously
creating the future they want
A desolate civilization on the
event horizon, darkness visible
Society slides towards incoherence
Technology disembodies us
It doesn’t have to be this way
empty memes, lonesome porn
detached relationships, solitary culture
unconnected media, isolating networks
Crypto is Fast Becoming a Dystopia
Reality is that which, when you stop
believing in it, doesn’t go away
Dreams are messages from the deep
It doesn’t have to be this way
hollow beings, tedious orgasms
divided sexes, aloof awareness
fragmented mind, disengage perception
We are witnessing the beginnings of a wild new frontier. Blockchain technology mixed with open-source AT coming evolution will take everything to the future and beyond. This is not only possible but inevitable.
Laozi Dreams of Blockchain Ecosystems
drinking tea under the Infinite Garden Trees
Can we tether reality and lock open A.R.?
Blockchain and The Metauniverse Blues
stop thinking about where things were going
and start to consider what are WE…
Time to set the music to random
leave the jams up to the Gods
am I just trippin or crypto daydreamin
NFTs begin to dive, Oversupply
but I’ll pick up the pieces
once the MSM bubble bursts
How to build a universe that doesn’t fall apart 10 days later
I don’t know (yet) but with the market cap hitting 2 trillion,
we are going to find out Who Owns The Future
Am I just trippin or crypto daydreamin
Who Owns The Future?
We are stuck in-between implementation, before the
the whole world comes on, and what will belong?
will WEwrite this future
open-source and decentralized
or is history doom to repeat?
Musk’s offer to buy Twitter: Blockchain
data showed signs of selling by big crypto
traders known as “whales”
Wait, skip….shit..
wait, shit…ok
there was something I was,
I was going to say…
there are strange and wondrous things
that live behind the mind’s eye
translingustical shadows made up lost memories
dream condensed into primordial lentil soup
defragmented souls fermenting the halls of the damned
Once In a dream, Saul Williams told me
Why can’t you say something deep and have a dope ass beat?
So Am digging up All the Dead Philosophers
And dragging their Ideas thru the streets.
Because whoever fights the monster, has to make sure
that they don’t become the monster in the process
If you gaze long enough into the abyss,
The abyss will gaze back into you.
You must have chaos within you, to give birth to a dancing star.
And those who were seen dancing, were thought to be insane
by those who could not hear the music
Because we should considers everyday lost,
on which we have not dance at least once
Every deep thinker is more afraid of being understood
then of being misunderstood
That which does not kill us, only makes us stronger
We are attacked by ideas, that have died long, long ago
This is The Death of Narrative
What Is the density of an egoless thought?
Copies have been dethroned; the economic model built on them is collapsing. In a regime of superabundant free copies, copies are no longer the basis of wealth. Now relationships, links, connections, and sharing are. Value has shifted away from a copy toward the many ways to recall, annotate, personalize, edit, authenticate, display, mark, transfer, and engage a work. Art is a conversation, not a patent office. The citation of sources belongs to the realms of journalism and scholarship, not art. Reality can’t be copyrighted.― David Shields, Reality Hunger: A Manifesto
Eureka! At last, there is hope
Put down the dope
And march thru the seven seas
Across the endless desert
Just there beyond the horizon
Lives infinity and the universe
Is singing her songs of eternity
Consciousness Always Rebels
Depression, anxiety, and fatigue are an essential part of the process of metamorphosis, both personally and on a collective level, they shed a bright light on the transition from an old to the new.
On the deepest level of our being, consciousness tells us we want none of this.
We recognize that we are here on earth to enact a sacred purpose, and that most of the jobs, modern culture, society, what they of is beneath our dignity as human beings.
Deep down, we recognize this security and comfort as slaves wages, and we yearn to be free.
Consciousness Always Rebels
Chaos, Collapse, Creativity
and Lady Transformation!